



  Qualcomm Inc will receive at least $4.5 billion as part of a legal settlement with Apple Inc that ended more than two years of wrangling over the chip maker’s patent-licensing fees, the company said Wednesday.


  The payment—part of a three-pronged settlement between the companies last month—would range from $4.5 billion to $4.7 billion, based on how the accounting ultimately works out, Qualcomm Chief Executive Steve Mollenkopf said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

  高通首席执行长 Steve Mollenkopf 在接受《华尔街日报》采访时表示,这笔和解金将在45亿到47亿美元之间,具体取决于最终的会计核算方式。该笔付款是高通与苹果公司上个月达成的三方面和解的一部分。

  The payment was a crucial element of a deal with Apple that settled a dispute threatening to upend Qualcomm’s business model, which combines a chip-making arm and a patent-licensing division that collects royalties from companies that use its technology.


  The payment also was to settle prior disputes with Apple’s contract manufacturers, a group of largely Taiwan-based companies that build iPhones, Qualcomm said.

  高通表示,这笔和解金还将解决之前高通与苹果公司的代工企业之间的纠纷;这些代工企业大多是为苹果公司生产 iPhone 的台湾厂商。

  In forging the agreement, the companies settled on a six-year licensing deal and a multiyear agreement for Qualcomm to supply Apple with modem chips—tiny wafers of silicon that handle communications with cell towers.


  Qualcomm got another piece of good news right after the agreement, when Apple’s current modem supplier, Intel Corp , suddenly said it would bow out of the race to make 5G modems—something Mr Mollenkopf said he hadn’t expected.

  在上述和解协议宣布后,高通还迎来了另一个好消息,苹果公司现有调制解调器供应商英特尔突然宣布退出5G调制解调器的竞争。Mollenkopf 称这出乎他的意料。

  “We really were surprised by that as much as anybody else,” he said. “We really focus on what we can control, and as you know, this is probably the most competitive chip industry in the world and everyone’s trying to get a piece.”





wrangle [ˈræŋɡəl] n. 争论;吵嘴 vi. 争论;争吵 vt. 争论;争吵;辩驳

ultimately ['ʌltəmɪtlɪ] adv. 最后;根本;基本上

dispute ['dɪs'pjʊt] vt. 辩论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒 vi. 争论 n. 辩论;争吵

forge [fɔrdʒ] v. 锻造,铸造;缔造;伪造;稳步前进 n. 锻造车间;铁匠铺;伪造者





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