





  Xi-Obama summit
  The Xi-Obama summit is the fifth between the two heads of state.

  国家主席习近平22日启程出访美国,首站为西雅图,在西雅图停留期间,习近平参观了微软位于华盛顿州雷德蒙德的总部(campus)以及波音位于艾弗里特的总装厂(massive factory),并在西雅图发表政策演讲(policy speech)。

  24日,习近平乘专机抵达美国首都华盛顿,继续对美国进行国事访问。当天,习近平在华盛顿出席美国总统奥巴马举行的私人晚宴(private dinner)。华盛顿是习近平此次美国之行的第二站。结束对华盛顿的访问后,习近平将赴纽约出席联合国成立70周年系列峰会(a series of summits marking the 70th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations headquarters)。

  中美两国领导人将就国际和地区形势(regional and international situation)、各自内外政策(respective domestic and foreign policies)和双边关系(bilateral ties)等重大问题坦诚、深入地交换意见,确保中美关系始终不偏离构建新型大国关系(new model of major-country relationship)的轨道。双方将就经贸(economy and trade)、能源(energy)、人文(people-to-people exchanges)、气候变化(climate change)、环保(environmental protection)、金融(finance)、科技(science and technology)、农业(agriculture)、执法(law enforcement)、防务(defense)、航空(aviation)、基建(infrastructure development)等诸多领域达成重要共识,签署一批影响深远的合作协议(cooperation agreement)。

  welcome ceremony 欢迎仪式
  honor guards 仪仗队
  welcoming remarks 欢迎辞
  full state welcome 全套国宾待遇
  state banquet 国宴
  maintain stable growth 稳增长
  make structural adjustments 调结构
  carry out reform 促改革
  improve people's well-being 惠民生
  forestall risks 防风险
  peaceful development 和平发展
  win-win cooperation 合作共赢

  Internet plus tourism
  Under the topic of "Internet plus tourism", the CNTA looks to fully integrate tourism resources in the industry. In five years, tourists are expected to access free WiFi at all 3A and above scenic spots in China.


  除3A景区(3A and above scenic spots)外,3星级以上宾馆(three-star and above hotels)也将实现无线网络全覆盖。到2020年,推动全国所有4A级景区(scenic spot with a rating of 4A and above)实现免费WiFi、智能导游、电子讲解、在线预订、信息推送等功能全覆盖。届时,逢节假日景区人满为患、超负荷运转的局面有望得到缓解。我国还将运用互联网开展文明旅游引导(use the Internet to promote "civilized tourism"),定期发布游客不文明旅游行为记录(publish the "incorrect tourism behaviors" to the public)。

  China-US Year of Tourism 中美旅游年
  tourists between the two countries 双向旅游人数
  high-speed train trip 高铁旅游
  forest tourism 森林旅游
  nature reserves 自然保护区
  wetland parks 湿地公园
  medical tourism 医疗旅游
  ecotourism 生态旅游
  space tourism 太空旅游

  gender equality
  Gender equality and women's development in China not only show the country's own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace, said the white paper on gender equality and women's development.


  国务院新闻办公室新闻发言人胡凯红介绍,《中国性别平等与妇女发展》白皮书全文约1.1万字,由前言(preface)、正文和结束语(conclusion )三部分组成。白皮书运用大量事实和数据(facts and figures),详细介绍了中国推动性别平等与妇女发展的政策措施(measures implemented)和取得的显著成就(outstanding achievements)。

  今年是中国提出男女平等基本国策(basic state policy)20周年,是联合国第四次世界妇女大会在北京成功举办20周年(the 20th anniversary of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women that was held in Beijing)。

  "在这样一个重要时刻,中国政府发表《中国性别平等与妇女发展》白皮书,全面介绍20年来中国在性别平等与妇女发展方面取得的进步,阐释和表达有关政策主张,对于增进国际社会(international community)对中国的了解和认识(understanding),更好地促进中国性别平等与妇女发展,加强中国与世界的对话(dialogue)、交流(exchange)、合作(cooperation),具有重要意义。"胡凯红说。

  status of women 妇女地位
  world's total female population 世界妇女人口
  institutional foundation 机制保障
  organizational system of women's federations 妇联组织体系
  gender statistics system 性别统计制度
  employment structure for women 妇女就业结构
  constitutional principle of equality between men and women 男女平等的宪法原则

  two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling
  China's central bank on Wednesday raised the ceiling on cross-border renminbi (RMB) fund flows for multinationals via two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling and lowered the threshold for participation in the business.


  "跨境双向人民币资金池"(two-way cross-border RMB cash pooling),指跨国企业集团(multi-national conglomerates)根据自身经营和管理需要,在境内外非金融成员企业之间开展的跨境人民币资金余缺调剂和归集业务,属于企业集团内部的经营性融资活动(financing activities)。

  此外,央行扩大了净流入额度上限(the cap on the net inflow),对开展该业务企业的门槛也有所调整,实际上提升了跨国企业人民币的可得性,并推动人民币国际化。"跨境双向人民币资金池"可以使跨国企业资本配置更便利,提高资金管理效率(enhance cash management efficiency)、缩减融资成本(cut financing costs)。通知规定,主办企业可以选择1-3家具有国际结算业务(international settlement business)能力的银行办理跨境双向人民币资金池业务。

  solvency 偿付能力
  credit assets 信贷资产
  shadow banking 影子银行
  offshore finance 离岸金融
  financial supervision 金融监管
  short-term fluctuate 短期波动
  RMB's currency ratio 人民币汇率

  default search engine
  Microsoft struck a deal with Chinese search giant Baidu Inc on Wednesday to make Baidu.com the default search engine and home page for Web surfers in China who are using Microsoft's Edge browser.


  根据双方的协议,为了回报微软的上述搜索安排,百度将提高自有客户升级到微软新操作系统的便利度(make it easier for its own customers to update to Microsoft's new operating system)。百度称,在百度搜索引擎上搜索 Windows 10的互联网用户将在页面顶部看到一个大的广告横幅(a large banner advertisement),引导用户进入一个特定的Windows 10下载界面。

  常见的搜索引擎有百度、谷歌、雅虎、必应等。关于网络搜索(web search)的方法,大部分用户都是用关键词搜索(keyword search),通过不同的搜索路径(search path)可能得到不同的搜索结果(search result),有些网站可能会收集用户的搜索偏好(search preference),在显示结果时有所区别。

  filtering software 过滤软件
  associative-word search 联想词搜索
  human flesh search 人肉搜索
  Internet lynching 网络私刑
  vigilante of the Internet 网络义警

  stampede in Mecca
  Over 1,300 people were killed and 2,000 injured in a stampede in Mina, neighboring the holy city of Mecca, on Thursday. It was the second major disaster during this year's hajj season.


  这是麦加25年来发生的最严重踩踏事故(stampede)。沙特表示,踩踏事故的死亡人数(death toll)还将上升。据沙特当局介绍,踩踏事故发生在"石击恶魔"(又称"射石")(stoning of the devil)仪式前。据悉,朝觐者(pilgrims)在距麦加4英里处的米纳竖立了三面象征撒旦的石墙,朝每面石墙投掷7块石块以洗刷自己的罪恶(throw pebbles against three stone columns)。但随后仪式发生混乱,引发了此次踩踏事故。


  pilgrimage 朝圣
  hajj 麦加朝圣
  holy city 圣城
  safety measure 安全措施
  ambulance 救护车
  rescue crews 救护队
  emergency workers 急救人员

  scandal over rigging of vehicle emissions tests
  Volkswagen will name Matthias Mueller, the head of its Porsche sports car brand, as its chief executive as it tries to recover from a scandal over its rigging of US vehicle emissions tests, a source close to the matter said.


  穆勒此前就被人们认为是最有希望接替文德恩的人选(has been widely tipped to succeed Martin Winterkorn)。此番"排放门",即在部分柴油车排放检测中造假(cheat emissions tests on diesel cars),成为大众78年历史上最严重的危机(the biggest business crisis in Volkswagen's 78-year history)。

  大众汽车将面临重振消费者及经销商信心的艰苦战役(a battle to restore the confidence of customers and motor dealers)。大众还将面临刑事调查以及来自受欺骗消费者的诉讼(face criminal inquiries and lawsuits from cheated customers).

  emissions test 尾气测试
  diesel car 柴油车
  car sharing 拼车
  automobile exhausts 汽车尾气
  yellow label vehicles 黄标车
  heavy-polluting vehicles 高污染排放车辆
  automobile emission standards 机动车排放标准
  restrictions on purchasing motor vehicles 机动车限购政策

  mixed-ownership reform
  The State Council gave foreign investors a clear signal on Thursday, welcoming their participation in the country's mixed-ownership reforms.

  海外投资人可以通过海外合并(overseas mergers)、融资合作(financing cooperation)以及境外投资(offshore financing)等参与中国的国企改革和重组(reform and reorganization of State-owned enterprises)。中国国务院还呼吁开展各种项目的试点工程,涉及的领域包括电力(electric power)、石油和天然气(petroleum and natural gas)、铁路(railway)、民航(civil aviation)、电信(telecommunication)以及军工(war industry)等领域。

  国务院9月中旬发布《关于深化国有企业改革的指导意见》,旨在提高总资产(total assets)超过15万亿美元的国企效率(efficiency of State-owned enterprises)。除了不断的开放(opening-up),我国将进一步提高外资安全审查体系(system for security reviews of foreign assets)。

  State capital 国有资本
  socialist market economy 社会主义市场经济
  natural monopoly industries 自然垄断行业
  non-public enterprises 非公有制企业
  employee stock ownership 员工持股





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