


这是 一直夫妇 的第 600 篇文章

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研究生考试下周就要开始,今天我们学习的是来自 2022 年考研真题中的三个金牌写作短语,希望能帮到大家。


a crop of

As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their options, it may be worth considering just how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider as they start the third stage of their educational journey.

译文:在最新一批学生填写本科申请表,斟酌备选学校之时,以下问题或许值得思考:大学学位的意义、目的和价值到底已发生怎样的改变?Z 世代开启教育旅程第三阶段时需要考虑哪些因素?


As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their options, it may be worth considering just how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider as they start the third stage of their educational journey.

这句话不仅长,主干也常,但整体结构却比较简单。主干前后分别是 as 引导的时间状语从句,开头的 as 从句意思是「在最新一批学生填写本科申请表,斟酌备选学校之时」,结尾 as 从句的主语 they 指代的是前面的 Generation Z,即我们在此前精读文章中多次遇到的「Z 世代」。

再来分析主干。整个的句型可以概括为 It may be worth doing sth 「值得做某事」。在consider 后面分别出现了 how 和 what 结构,作用是什么呢?作 consider 的宾语。所以准大学生们在入学前需要考虑两件事,分别是:

① 大学学位的意义、目的和价值到底已发生怎样的改变?

② Z 世代开启教育旅程第三阶段时需要考虑哪些因素?

a crop of sb/sth

好,现在我们来说短语。crop 的「庄稼」之义为我们所熟知。我们种庄稼时会把种子撒在一亩或者几十、数百亩地上,所以庄稼通常是大片存在的,而不是孤立的个体。因此,crop 构成的短语 a crop of sb/sth 就有了「一群人,一连串事情」。比如,a new crop of students「一批新生」,a crop of disasters「一连串灾难」。


假设需要写跟「气候变暖」这个主题相关的文章,我们在形容有很多极端气候接连出现时,可以用 a crop of 来修饰,替换常用的 many, a lot of, plenty of 等等。

  • Exacerbated by climate change, a crop of extreme weather events has become still more common.

  • 受气候变化的严重影响,极端天气变得愈加普遍。


weigh up

As the latest crop of students pen their undergraduate application form and weigh up their options, it may be worth considering just how the point, purpose and value of a degree has changed and what Generation Z need to consider as they start the third stage of their educational journey.

译文:在最新一批学生填写本科申请表,斟酌备选学校之时,以下问题或许值得思考:大学学位的意义、目的和价值到底已发生怎样的改变?Z 世代开启教育旅程第三阶段时需要考虑哪些因素?

这个句子还出现了另一个重要短语 weigh up,表示 to consider something carefully so that you can make a decision about it「认真考虑,权衡」。或者,我们也可以去掉 up,直接用 weigh 来表示 consider。

2020 年《经济学人》在评价美国经济表现时提到 weigh up the specific costs and benefits 这个搭配,意思是「衡量具体成本和收益」。

  • Economists will continue to weigh up the specific costs and benefits of those policies. A true evaluation will take some time.

  • 经济学家还将继续衡量这些政策的具体成本和收益。要得出真正的评价还需时日。

拓展内容:weigh A against B

除了 up 外,weigh 也可以和 against 搭配,意思不变。我们经常需要在作文中表示「权衡利弊」,给自己三秒时间,想想这个表达应该怎么写呢?答案是: weigh the advantages against the disadvantages ,或 weigh (up) the advantages and disadvantages 。注意,前者有两个定冠词。

其中的 advantage 和 disadvantage 也可以替换成 pluses 和 minuses 。这两个名词也可以分别指「好处」和「坏处」。

  • We have to weigh the benefits of the scheme against the costs.

  • 我们必须把这个方案的好处和费用放在一起进行权衡。



  • When it comes to cosmetic surgery, it’s rational to weigh the pluses and minuses since it will have permanent consequences for both physical and mental health.

  • 谈到整容手术,我们应理性地权衡利弊,因为手术将对身体和精神健康产生永久性的影响。


over the course of ...

It has been estimated that this generation, due to the pressures of technology, the wish for personal fulfilment and desire for diversity, will work for 17 different employers over the course of their working life and have five different careers.

译文:据估计,科技带来的压力、对于自我实现和工作多样性的渴望会使这代人在其职业生涯中服务于 17 家不同的雇主,从事 5 种不同类型的职业。

表示「某段时间内」,我们第一反应是用 during the period,除此之外,你还可以用上另一个短语——over the course of sth。这里的 course 是个「熟词生义」,不再表示「过程」,而是 a period of time or process during which something happens「过程,时期」。除了 over 外,你同样可以用 in 或者 during 来跟 course 做搭档,不过,over 和 in 使用频率要更高一些。

  • In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain approximately doubled...

  • 在 20 世纪 30 年代,英国的钢铁产量几乎翻了一番。

今年《经济学人》写了一篇有关电竞比赛的文章,其中提到了《英雄联盟》季中冠军赛。表示「在过去三周中」,作者用的是 over the course of three weeks 来替代 in the past three weeks 。

  • A dozen teams had been competing over the course of three weeks to show off their skills at League of Legends (LoL), an online strategy-fantasy game.

  • 在之前三周的时间里,十几支参赛队伍轮番对战,一展他们在 LOL 这款战略网络游戏中的非凡身手。

拓展内容:in the course of doing sth

当 of 后面加上 doing sth,那么这个短语就有另外一层意思,即「在做某事的过程中」。我们可以用来干嘛呢?当你不想用 when 引导的时间状语从句,希望别出心裁时,就可以用 in the course of doing sth。一起读一读下面的例句。

  • In the course of researching customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance.

  • = When we are researching customer needs, we discovered how few families have adequate life insurance.

  • 在研究客户需求的过程中,我们发现很少有家庭投保了足够的人寿险。


2022 年英语一的主题是「广泛学习知识」,这对于我们的个人成长很有帮助,我们可以用 over the course of 和 life 搭配,写出下面的句子:

  • Over the course of one's life, acquiring knowledge extensively plays a vital role in personal growth.

  • 在人的一生中,广泛获取知识在个人成长中起着重要作用。






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